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Set up auto-prospecting

Auto-prospecting automatically finds new or changed listings that match your prospect's criteria, adds them to the prospect's cart, and can even send email notifications.

To set up auto-prospecting

  1. From the Contacts menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
  2. Locate the contact you want to modify, then click the contact's name to open the Modify Contact Information form.
  3. Make sure the Manage as Prospect check box is selected, then locate the Prospect Options area near the bottom of the page (click to expand the area if necessary).
  4. Select the Auto-Prospecting check box. This enables the software to automatically add listings that match the prospect's search criteria to the Newly Matched tab of the cart. Make sure that the prospect's status is set to Active, and the type set to Buyer.
  5. Optional: Set the Send E-mail to Agent field to “Daily Summary” if you want to receive a single email once per day compiling newly matched and updated listings from all prospects. The email will contain listing information as well as a link to log onto the MLS. Set the Send E-mail to Agent field to “Use Prospect’s Schedule” if you want to receive email updates each time Auto-Prospecting finds new or changed listings that match a prospect's search criteria. Set the Send E-mail to Agent field to “No” if you don’t want to receive any email notifications.
  6. Optional: If you want your prospect to receive email messages when listings are added, choose “Yes – Newly Matched” in the Send E-mail to Prospect field. Please note that on some MLS sites this requires that Send E-mail to Agent is also set to the “Daily Summary” or “Use Prospect’s Schedule” options.
  7. Optional: An Include Updates For: section for the Send E-mail to Agent and Send E-mail to Prospect options allows you to specify which types of listing changes are included in the update emails that are sent to you and your prospect. Note that Newly Matched listings are always included if emails are enabled for the agent or prospect.
  1. Optional: If you want a copy of the email messages to be sent to the Cc email address for this prospect, choose “Yes” in the Send E-mail to Cc field. Please note that this requires that Send E-mail to Prospect is set to the “Yes – Newly Matched” option.
  2. Optional: If you want listings that are emailed from Auto-Prospecting to display in a particular report format, make your desired selection from the E-mail Report Format field. Please note that this is only available when Send E-mail to Prospect is set to “Yes – Newly Matched” AND Client Portal is NOT enabled.
  3. Click the "Save" button in the MLS toolbar.

IMPORTANT: You must also set up your prospect's search criteria. See Set up a prospect for details.

*NOTE: This feature may not be available, based on your MLS's setup.

To fix a broken search, see See also Fix invalid Auto-Prospecting searches.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Contacts & Prospects" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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